Crystals For Fertility šŸ”„

Crystals for Fertility šŸ”„šŸ’

All crystals have a vibrational frequency, just like us. And just like us, all their frequencies are different. Now we can never even comprehend in the human mind how far this goes through the layers of energy, but we do know that they can help us and our own personal frequencies.Ā 

The energy of each crystal can come from the colour, compounds, and frequency and much more that we canā€™t begin to understand. As humans we have lost touch with Mother Nature and how it can aid us, our tribal Native American times and Egyptian times, we were in touch with how to use the tools Mother Nature provides to aid us in our health, and energetic processes.Ā 

We are now learning how to re-train ourselves to become more in touch and in tune with our bodies, knowing when we have to feel into what we need to heal, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally or further.

The womb holds our life force energy, known as the Shakti, or the serpent, which is where our kundalini can reside. This is a sacred space that was always worshipped but over time has been diminished, and even shamed. When we become out of tune with our body, we can easily become out of tune with our womb space, and this can create problems within our energy meridian system, with how our energy flows around our body and around our chakras.Ā 

We can hold trauma in the womb even from our ancestors and family lines. As well as giving our sexual energy away without even realising the deeper layers of what that entails. So we have to find ways to become more in tune, to prevent problems such as irregular cycles, miscarriages, fertility problems, reproductive problems, cancer and more.Ā 

Crystals are a tool of Mother Nature that can help aid us in this, we are fully able to restore our bodies back to health, and healing our DNA.Ā 

My Story:

Some of you might know Iā€™m a single parent to a toddler, the year I fell pregnant I started to come into realisation on how much the energetics of our bodies and natural holistic ways can help us get us back to health, so I came off of contraception, which was playing havoc on my body and my womb with irregular periods and hormones out of balance.

Then a month before falling pregnant I started working with Carnelian, to help all of the trauma my womb had had, from sexual abuse, rape, trauma, misusing the energy, IUDs, PID, hospitalisation and more. Within a few months of diving deep emotionally into the space of my womb, I became more in touch with my creativity and also fell pregnant.Ā 

After now successfully seeing at least four women fall pregnant shortly after selling them crystals I fully know there is no such thing as a placebo effect. But the magic of crystals.

Crystals for fertility:Ā 

The sacral chakra resides in the womb space, so any orange crystal can still have a profound effect on the sacral area. Here are a list of crystals I recommend. As well as symbolism, such as an egg shape, or womb goddess.Ā 


Carnelian comes from Quartz, and i believe it has the strongest of abilities to help heal the womb space, due to it being from the Quartz family and being a strong amplifier. It can assist with healing the reproductive organs, helping cycles become more regular, and to help enhance the sacral sexual energy, healing any traumas. There may be tears with this one.Ā 

Above, example of a carnelian heart we stock.

Peach MoonstoneĀ 

Peach Moonstone is a more softer energy of the divine feminine. Like the name, it has a strong connection to the moon. We are naturally meant to cycle with the moon. When you are cycling with the full moon you are going through an energetic purge, and when you cycle with the new moon you are going through a rebirth. Peach moonstone helps get our cycles into more natural stares of rhythm with the moon. If you are already going through a big emotional purge and are feeling delicate this softer energy can help you more gently.Ā 

Above, see Peach Moonstone photo from our stock. Ā 

Rose QuartzĀ 

We have to move out of the fast paced energy of always doing, and slow down in to the mother energy of just being from love. Rose Quartz can help with this. It can help us restore our more softer feminine energies, allowing us to rest and to allow our bodies to come back into balance.Ā 

Above, Rose Quartz eggs available on the website.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a crystal that represents nature, the divine mother, so being attuned to this frequency can aid fertility by connecting to the goddess of the earth. Greek and Roman goddesses would use moss agate to assist with their connection to the earth and their wombs. The earth is a symbolic outward representation of our womb space.

Photo above, Moss Agate fairy. Moss Agate available on the website. Ā 

Green and Orange AventurineĀ 

Aventurine is known to be the crystal of abundance, abundance can come in all forms not just money. Even falling pregnant, or having a new love coming into your life. Aventurine helps call in that abundance within, to know you are worthy of all that you deserve.Ā 
Green Aventurine strengthens the heart chakra, opening the heart to the love of a baby and becoming a loving divine feminine mother. Orange Aventurine activates the colour of our sacral chakras, which is our life force energy. Aiding activating the energy of our sacral that can clear and make space for new energy to come in.Ā 

photo above orange Aventurine eggs, available on the website.Ā 

Blue CalciteĀ 

Blue calcite is great for aiding fertility because itā€™s so calming, and stress free vibrations. Itā€™s soothing calm energy can help you relax around the pressure of conceiving. Itā€™s uplifting and full of joy, and also a great calming crystal for babies.Ā 

Blue Calcite Egg - Blue Calcite available on the website.Ā 



Aquamarine is another soothing and calming crystal to keep away the pressure and stress, but it also has a very nurturing energy of the divine mother. Like the water energy to moss agate.Ā 

Aquamarine can also bring great protection during trying to get pregnant, and during pregnancy and childbirth. It can put a blue Ray protective energy around the mother.Ā 

Aquamarine available on website.Ā 


Garnet is the red ray of a beautiful passionate fiery energy, which can bring passion, romance and activate sacral energy in the womb space.Ā 
Garnet helps transmute any anxious or restless energies within the lower chakras of your body to help ground you physically. The fire element in this crystal help boost fertility energetically.

Garnet available on the website.Ā 


These crystals will all help in their own ways for fertility, but all crystals help raise our frequency and ease our worries and stresses.Ā 

Ways to use these crystals are to have them under your pillow after cleansing for a peaceful sleep. Meditate with them. Have them in your pockets or around the house. Walk with them. They will all work in their own way in any which way, there is no right way to work with them.Ā 

There are lots of ways these crystals can help, and enhance our lives, not just fertility.Ā 

We arenā€™t educated either how we are only fertile for two days of the month, with a 4-5 day window before ovulation also, thatā€™s why itā€™s also important to heal our cycles through nutrition, eating healthy and our wellbeing, within and without.
We arenā€™t educated on the health of our bodies and how we can work with them to help aid them, we just get told whatā€™s ā€˜wrongā€™ with them.Ā 

This summer I will be beginning our dragon womb sessions, as well other types of healing work available to book and have support for those out there that are interested. Please subscribe or email if this would be of interest to you. There will be an option for services made on the website soon.Ā 

With love, Lisa.Ā 
Dragon MamaĀ 


Disclaimer: Please do not use instead of your GPs advice/medication, use crystals around babies or children unsupervised, or use under 18+.Ā