
As the purchaser at Dragon Mama Crystals, agree to the following:

I understand that all the holistic information given on the crystal I purchase is complementary, and is not substitute for a medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment or treatment by a qualified GP practitioner. 

I understand that it is my duty to speak with my GP practitioner before using, or regarding any added holistic treatment that I may be using towards any current or future physical or mental issues arise. 

 I understand that the products I purchase and not a guarantee that they will aid, or help my current issues. 

I understand that these are just in aid of, or to help, not to replace my medical advice. 

I therefore release Lisa Collier and Dragon Mama Crystals from any liability resulting from the use of any crystal purchase, crystal set, ritual set, healing, sessions, one to one, or therapeutic treatments and assume full responsibility for all risks in purchasing.

I understand that crystals may come with minor crystal shape defect, or discolouration.

I understand that shipping can take 3-14 days to arrive in Europe. And 2-6 months outside of Europe. 

I understand that when I have purchased the crystals that I am committed to buying them, and I can only request a refund if the crystals are faulty, or broken. 

I understand that I have to pay full postage to return to Dragon Mama Crystals, the items described and shown in photos provided. 

I confirm I understand the agreements of the disclaimer and that I am lawfully of age.