Carnelian Elephant - Dragon Mama Crystals

Carnelian Elephant

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Carnelian Crystal

Carnelian crystal is the ultimate sacred crystal for the life force of the shakti energy that represents our womb space. It is a great healer of the reproductive organs and energy. It can help regulate menstrual cycles with the moon, and help with healing any sexual traumas inside the womb space, as well as any other abuse. Carnelian is a power crystal that originates from quartz, it has the power to cleanse other crystals that it comes into contact with. It can help stabilize and ground your creativity and business life.

Chakras: Sacral, Root, Solar Plexus.

Hardness: 8

Zodiac: Virgo

Metaphysical Healing:
● Cleansing

● Amplifying

● Stabilizing

● Apathy
● Perception
● Concentration


Physical Healing:

● Reproductive organs
● Abuse and trauma
● Lower back problems
● Arthiritis
● Kidneys
● Adrenals
● Neuralagia
● Bones
● Ligaments
● Absorption of vitamins.

35 Grams