Aura Zebra Jasper - Dragon Mama Crystals
Aura Zebra Jasper - Dragon Mama Crystals
Aura Zebra Jasper - Dragon Mama Crystals

Aura Zebra Jasper

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Aura Jasper Crystal

Jasper comes from the variety of the quartz crystal. Jasper is the most earthy crystal there is due to its amazing ability to make its crystals into art like representations of different parts of the earth, and even some that look like landscapes. The element of earth within Jasper allows you to connect deeply with the physical, the material plane and physical body. Like the earth Jasper crystals bring peace and calmness in times of stress, as well as working together in unison with others to help each other, it has the name ‘supreme nurturer’ because of this reason. 


Chakras: All depending on colour. 

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio. 

Hardness: 7


Metaphysical Healing Properties:

  • Supreme nurturer
  • Calmness
  • Grounding
  • Connection to living things
  • Protective
  • Balancing yin and yang energies.
  • Aids against electromagnetic radiation. 
  • Stability
  • Ideas and action.


Physical Healing Properties: 

  • Digestive system
  • Circulatory system
  • Sexual Organs 
  • Balances minerals in the body.