Fertility crystal confetti scoop - Dragon Mama Crystals
Fertility crystal confetti scoop - Dragon Mama Crystals
Fertility crystal confetti scoop - Dragon Mama Crystals
Fertility crystal confetti scoop - Dragon Mama Crystals

Fertility crystal confetti scoop

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Fertility Crystal Confetti 

This tailored confetti crystal is made for fertility, men or women. You get a surprise scoop with this, but all crystals in it are chosen for fertility, womb healing.

Crystals you could get: 

- Carnelian - great for healing the womb, bringing more life force energy through and activating. 

- Gomed Garnet - Bringing passion and grounding to the root and reproductive organs. 

- Moonstone - working with the womb with the moon cycles, coming back into sync with the rotation of inner cycles. 

- Green Aventurine - Abundance, knowing you are worthy of receiving. 

- Orange Aventurine egg - New beginnings, abundance and fertility. 

Each scoop is the size of an ice cream cone, we are always generous with our scoops for mamas. You could get any which crystal listed. 

They come in a gift bag 

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